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WhatsApp Marketing

Every 4th person in the world is an active WhatsApp user, making it one of the world’s most usable social media platforms. Its penetration into the global society’s social fabric makes it a tremendously powerful tool for business. Here we’ll see, as a business owner, how you can use WhatsApp marketing to expand your business and multiply your profits. So, Let’s dive in.

Why Should You Adopt WhatsApp Marketing

The foremost reason is the reach of WhatsApp. There are about 340 million users in India, 100 million in Brazil, and 68 million in the USA, which is considered an excellent choice for promotions.

WhatsApp enables you to stay in touch with your customers. More than half of users check the app daily, therefore, pushing the conversion rate to a whopping 98%. Furthermore, about 53% of users are willing to buy from companies that reach them via chat.

Here are some more benefits of WhatsApp for business:

Ramp Up Sales

You would be surprised to know that just adding a WhatsApp number to your website could increase sales by 27%. Moreover, about 66% of people feel more confident about buying from a company if it is active on a messenger. 

Using WhatsApp help you build trust with your customer. By communicating with them properly resultantly your sales would be skyrocketed in just a matter of time. 

Low Marketing Cost

Despite of huge potential, WhatsApp is very affordable. All you need to do is install the app and an internet connection. You don’t have to spend money as you do on other platforms; your message would reach the customer as an average user check WhatsApp 23 times a day.

Helps You to Build Trust

You can create a trusted relationship with your audience through WhatsApp. This would help you to retain customers, which is 5-25 times cheaper than customer acquisition. 

Moreover, it gives a strong set of opportunities for personalization. For example, you can send welcome messages, special offers, birthday wishes, and so on to build a profound relationship with your customers.

Strategies For WhatsApp Marketing

There are various strategies you can implement to expand your business through WhatsApp Marketing. Here are some useful ones.

Know Your Target Audience

Knowing your target audience is the most crucial step of any marketing strategy. To identify your target audience, you need to ask yourself questions like.

  • Why would people use your products?
  • What are the expectations of your customers?
  • What value do they want from it?

To get the answers to these questions, you can interview your few current customers, or you can conduct surveys on social media.

Build a Contact List

Building a contact list is the most crucial step. It contains the contact numbers of your targeted audience. The best way to build a contact list is through subscription forms. Place them on your website and offer a lead magnet such as an eBook or discount. 

Design You Message 

The message you deliver to your customer should be personalized. A personalized message increases the rate of conversion and confirms that you are not spam. 

Furthermore, besides the promotional messages, entertain and educate your audience to keep them engaged with your brand or company.

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